What is a Medallion Signature Guarantee?

What is a Medallion Signature Guarantee? Medallion Signature Guarantees are generally required when you’re transferring any type of security. For example, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and some annuities. A Medallion Signature Guarantee is a special stamp and signature combination that…

Life Estate Deeds in Massachusetts: The Pros and Cons

Many Massachusetts homeowners use “life estate” deeds for different reasons. Some use them as a general estate planning tool. Others frequently use them as a way to “keep the nursing home from getting their house.” In this post, we’ll talk…

3 Legal Safeguards to Protect Your Child with Special Needs

April is National Autism Awareness Month in the United States. It’s a time of year that is dedicated to educating the public about the special needs and challenges facing those individuals living within the autism spectrum disorders (“ASDs”). ASDs are…

Estate Planning and Tax Season Go Hand-in-Hand

Add Estate Planning To Your List of Resolutions This Year The New Year means tax season is beginning. Here in Dartmouth, Massachusetts, like every other part of the country, we begin collecting our tax forms and looking for all possible…